Typo of the day: import datetie 🐍👔 — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) January 16, 2021
Typo of the day: The bang of my existence — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) January 13, 2021
Typo of the day: Boo Camp 👻 — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) January 11, 2021
Typo of the day: git geekout ... — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) December 17, 2020
Typo of the day: Hop pot — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) November 22, 2020
Typo of the day: import imdb imdb.set_trace() 😜 — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) November 5, 2020
Typo of the day: "Have a goat weekend!" 🙊😅 — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) October 30, 2020
Typo of the day: snack preview — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) October 16, 2020
Typo of the day: git rebate — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) October 6, 2020
Typo of the day: paython 🐍🤑 — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) September 21, 2020
Typo of the day: mkdire — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) August 19, 2020
Typo of the day: docker-compost ♻️ — Mariatta 🤦 (@mariatta) June 25, 2020