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PyLadiesCon Speaker Support

Speak at PyLadiesCon

PyLadiesCon CFP is now open until September 15, 2024, and I would love to support you in submitting your talk.

  • Perhaps you never gave a talk before, and unsure if speaking for you?
  • Perhaps you want to give a talk, but don’t think you’re experienced enough?
  • Perhaps you have a talk idea, but don’t know how to turn it into a proposal?
  • Perhaps you tried submitting talks before, but always get rejected and feeling discouraged?

I’ve been through all of the above before myself, and I know how you feel. Having a supportive community, and having mentors who were willing to give personalized 1:1 feedback, have helped me overcome my fears and self-doubt, and be a better speaker. The PyLadies community is here to support you.